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Kristen Long

Welcome to 5th Grade Math!



We are using Ready Math this year. This is the same program from last year. These are consumable books much like a workbook. Your child will do daily work in the workbooks, but the workbooks will stay at school. It is very important that your child keep this book in good condition, they will be using the same book throughout the entire year.



Math homework is a vital part of a student’s success. This year we will have a review page each week for homework. Some of these problems are challenging but will be review from 4th grade skills and previously taught 5th grade skills. Students will get he homework for the week on Monday and we will check it in class, together, on Friday. It will be worth 10 points each week, with points only deducted if it is not completed. This grade will be averaged in with your other grades at the end of the nine weeks!



Students will have a quiz at the end of each lesson, which varies from 3-5 days. They will also have a unit test at the end of each unit.  Students will be given a study guide for the unit tests that will be completed and checked in class prior to the test day. Review material for these will also be available on Google Classroom.



This year I will be teaching my homeroom ELA as well as science. We will have spelling and Daily Oral Language (DOL) tests weekly. English tests will be at the end of each lesson which could be 4 days long or 7 days depending on the skill we are learning.



Email me with any questions or concerns at

Please email me at with any questions or conerns.

Conference Time: 12:45-1:30


Kristen Long

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